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Save Today. Relax To­mor­row.

Come to us to plan the per­fect pil­lar 3a private pen­sion for your needs. You’ll have more time for the good things in life after re­tire­ment.

Anchor: the-choice-is-yours

In­vest Today. Be­ne­fit To­mor­row

Our tip: Set aside a bit more than you tech­nic­ally have to. Later, you’ll have much more than you ab­so­lutely need. Sup­ple­ment your gov­ern­ment and oc­cu­pa­tional pen­sions with pil­lar 3a and start reap­ing the tax be­ne­fits today.

Stand­ard of liv­ing

In old age, you’ll have plenty of time. With a private pen­sion, you’ll be able to fill this time with things you enjoy.

Tax be­ne­fits

Enjoy the ad­vant­ages of third pil­lar plans. In­vest your money freely – and lower your tax bill.

Home own­er­ship

Own­er­ship provides se­cur­ity in old age. Be­come an owner. With a pen­sion, you can lay the found­a­tion for your own home.

Anchor: cal-pension-strategy


Anchor: maximumamount

Max­imum Pil­lar 3a amounts in 2025

If you earn in­come that is sub­ject to AHV con­tri­bu­tions, you can de­duct all pil­lar 3a con­tri­bu­tions up to a cer­tain limit from your tax­able in­come.

Max­imum de­duc­tion:

7258 CHF

Em­ployed with 2nd pil­lar

36'288 CHF

Em­ployed without 2nd pil­lar (20% of net in­come from gain­ful em­ploy­ment, up to a max­imum of CHF 36288)

The Choice Is Yours

You want to pursue a higher return? Or you put security first? We can provide the right retirement solution for whatever you need.

  • Securities – 3rd Pillar

  • Account – 3rd Pillar

Anchor: vorsorgeoptimieren
Foundation for Home Ownership

Op­tim­ize pen­sion plan­ning in a snap from your smart­phone

Ready to op­tim­ize your 3rd pil­lar while sav­ing on taxes? Thanks to CSX Pen­sion, you can open a Pen­sion ac­count – 3rd pil­lar dir­ectly from your smart­phone. Then choose from our wide range of se­cur­it­ies solu­tions to find the right in­vest­ment group for your risk pro­file and in­vest­ment ho­ri­zon. Profit from all that CSX Pen­sion of­fers.

Visual guide with screen­shots for CSX Pen­sion (PDF)

Try it now in on­line and mo­bile bank­ing

Learn more

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

We’ll sit down with you to find the per­fect product for your needs. Dis­cover what your op­tions are.

Allow Us to Advise You

Draw­ing a Pen­sion Early

You can ac­cess your pil­lar 3a pen­sion be­ne­fits as soon as you reach AHV ref­er­ence age. Or pos­sibly even sooner, de­pend­ing on the cir­cum­stances.

Save up for Re­tire­ment. Learn More