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Pension Securities Account – 3rd Pillar

Pen­sion Se­cur­it­ies Ac­count - 3rd Pil­lar

With a Pen­sion se­cur­it­ies ac­count – 3rd pil­lar from Credit Suisse, you’ll be able to main­tain your cur­rent stand­ard of liv­ing after re­tire­ment. Make more of your private pro­vi­sion. That’s what really mat­ters.

Op­por­tun­ity for higher long-​term re­turns

Large product se­lec­tion

Sus­tain­able pen­sion solu­tions

Pen­sion Se­cur­it­ies Ac­count – 3rd Pil­lar

Now is time for later. Find out more about Sav­ing with se­cur­it­ies – 3rd pil­lar. The pos­it­ive per­form­ance of our third pil­lar se­cur­it­ies solu­tions speaks for it­self.

Pension Securities Account – 3rd Pillar


We provide a broad spec­trum of act­ively man­aged and in­dexed se­cur­it­ies solu­tions. With our CSA Mixta-​BVG product range, you have many dif­fer­ent in­vest­ment groups to choose from.

Tax ad­vant­ages

De­duct the full amount of the an­nual sav­ings con­tri­bu­tions from your tax­able in­come up to the stat­utory con­tri­bu­tion limit. You won't have to pay any wealth, in­come or with­hold­ing taxes dur­ing the en­tire sav­ings phase. 

Self ser­vice op­tion

You can choose your in­vest­ment group with just a few clicks in on­line and mo­bile bank­ing. This al­lows you to man­age your Pil­lar 3a in­vest­ments your­self and op­tim­ize your pen­sion pro­vi­sion.

Sustainable pension provision with attractive potential returns

Sustainable pension provision with attractive potential returns

Our actively managed and indexed securities solutions have a focus on sustainability (with exception of the CSA Mixta-BVG Basic investment group). When assessing the sustainability of an investment, we apply the ESG criteria widely used in the financial sector. In practice, ESG criteria have been shown to be a key indicator of a company's long-term quality. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. By choosing the ESG-aligned CSA Mixta-BVG investment groups for your pension provision, you are not only contributing to the well-being of future generations, but you are also able to benefit from higher potential returns.

Select Your Investment Group

CSA Mixta-BVG Basic

CSA Mixta-BVG Basic

(security no. 1486149)


30% mortgages
38% bonds
27% real estate
5% money market

Call now +41 848 880 844
CSA Mixta-BVG Defensiv

CSA Mixta-BVG Defensiv

(security no. 788833)

Sustainable investment approach

25% shares
59% bonds
11% real estate
5% money market


Call now +41 848 880 844


(security no. 287570)

Sustainable investment approach

35% shares
51% bonds
9% real estate
5% money market

Call now +41 848 880 844
CSA Mixta-BVG Index 25

CSA Mixta-BVG Index 25

(security no. 11520271)

Sustainable investment approach

25% shares
70% bonds
5% real estate

Call now +41 848 880 844
CSA Mixta-BVG Index 35

CSA Mixta-BVG Index 35

(security no. 11520273)

Sustainable investment approach

35% shares
60% bonds
5% real estate

Call now +41 848 880 844
CSA Mixta-BVG Index 45

CSA Mixta-BVG Index 45

(security no. 10382676)

Sustainable investment approach

45% shares
50% bonds
5% real estate


Call now +41 848 880 844
CSA Mixta-BVG Index 75

CSA Mixta-BVG Index 75

(in accordance with BVV 2 – equity component exceeded)

(security no. 38261472)

Sustainable investment approach

75% shares
20% bonds
5% real estate

Call now +41 848 880 844

CSA Mixta-BVG Index 100

(equity component and company limit exceeded pursuant to BVV 2)

(security no. 119110697)

Sustainable investment approach

100 % shares



Call now +41 848 880 844
Anchor: pension-securities-video

How Pen­sion Se­cur­it­ies Ac­counts Work

We provide a se­lec­tion of in­vest­ment groups with dif­fer­ent equity al­loc­a­tions. You then se­lect the right product for you based on your spe­cific in­vest­ment time ho­ri­zon and risk tol­er­ance.

How Pension Securities Accounts Work

Ac­cur­ately As­sess Risk

In­vest­ment de­cisions al­ways in­volve risks. These risks need to be un­der­stood if you want to prop­erly gauge the un­cer­tain­ties in­volved in mak­ing an in­vest­ment.

Ac­count or Safe­keep­ing Ac­count

The choice is yours. Choose our Pen­sion ac­count – 3rd pil­lar for max­imum se­cur­ity – or our Pen­sion se­cur­it­ies ac­count – 3rd pil­lar for higher re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies.

Pen­sion se­cur­it­ies ac­count – 3rd pil­lar

  • At­tract­ive re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies
  • Mul­tiple tax be­ne­fits
  • No ad­di­tional com­mis­sions be­sides the all-​in-fee
  • Large product se­lec­tion