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Pension Account – 3rd Pillar

Our Pension account – 3rd pillar puts all the benefits of private pensions at your fingertips. You enjoy interest rates, multiple tax advantages and no account fees.


You’ll re­ceive an in­terest rate of cur­rently 0.60%


Mul­tiple tax be­ne­fits


No ac­count man­age­ment fees


Safe in­vest­ment


Pen­sion Ac­count – 3rd Pil­lar

Pension Account  – 3rd Pillar

Interest rate

Enjoy max­imum pen­sion pro­tec­tion with our Pen­sion ac­count – 3rd pil­lar.

You’ll re­ceive an in­terest rate of cur­rently 0.60%

Tax advantages

You can de­duct the full amount of your sav­ings con­tri­bu­tions from your tax­able in­come (up to the stat­utory con­tri­bu­tion limit).

You won’t have to pay any wealth, in­come or with­hold­ing taxes dur­ing the en­tire sav­ings phase.

Self service option

You can eas­ily open your Pil­lar 3a on­line with just a few clicks in On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing.

Anchor: open

Ac­count or Safe­keep­ing Ac­count. Your Be­ne­fits

The choice is yours. Choose our Pen­sion ac­count – 3rd pil­lar for max­imum se­cur­ity – or our Pen­sion se­cur­it­ies ac­count – 3rd pil­lar for higher re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies.


  • Ex­cel­lent se­cur­ity
  • In­terest rate cur­rently 0.60%
  • No ac­count man­age­ment fees
  • Mul­tiple tax be­ne­fits

Safe­keep­ing ac­count

  • At­tract­ive re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies
  • No extra safe­keep­ing fees, is­su­ing or re­demp­tion com­mis­sions other than the all-​in fee
  • Large product se­lec­tion
Invest Your Money Safely

In­vest Your Money Safely

You can rest easy if you sup­ple­ment your gov­ern­ment and oc­cu­pa­tional pen­sions with a private re­tire­ment plan. Our pen­sion ac­count provides fin­an­cial se­cur­ity so you can live life without fin­an­cial wor­ries after you stop work­ing. Put your re­tire­ment in our hands. We’ll plan your fu­ture to­gether. In­vest today in your fin­an­cial in­de­pend­ence to­mor­row.