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Online shopping with the Debit Mastercard

Debit Mastercard

Thanks to the extensive features of the new debit card, making cashless purchases in any situation is convenient and secure. Now also with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay.

Anchor: debitmastercard

New features of the Debit Mastercard at a glance

Pay eas­ily and se­curely in on­line shops

Save card in­form­a­tion in on­line shops

Set up re­cur­ring pay­ments for on­line sub­scrip­tions

Book a hotel room or rent a car

Pay con­veni­ently with your mo­bile device

One card for everything

With the new debit card, you can not only make cashless payments worldwide and withdraw cash, you can also make online purchases.

  • Accepted worldwide

  • In stores and at vend­ing ma­chines

  • Con­tact­less

  • Mo­bile pay­ment

  • On­line pur­chases

  • Cash with­draw­als and de­pos­its

  • Ex­pir­a­tion date auto­mat­ic­ally up­dated

Keep track of your spending and your card

Debit Mastercard

Keep track of your spending and your card

Payments and cash withdrawals are immediately debited from your account. This helps you keep a close eye on transactions executed as well as the current balance in your account at all times.

You can customize your debit card’s security settings according to your personal needs via online and mobile banking.**

  • Change your daily and monthly limits
  • Authorize or block your card for use in specific countries
  • Turn features like contactless payments and online payments on and off
  • Activate notifications of successful and unsuccessful transactions
  • Block and unblock your debit card
  • Order a replacement card
Factsheet (PDF) Cards and accounts – Overview of conditions

** This service is currently only available to private clients. Corporate clients can have the settings changed by their client advisor.

Do you have any questions?

Here you will find answers, tips, and other useful information about your new Debit Mastercard.

Do you have any questions?

Our of­fers with the Debit Mas­ter­card

CSX: Digital banking for every day


CSX. All-​in-one bank­ing for every day

It's per­sonal when you need it to be and di­gital when you want it to be.

  • Ac­count & card start­ing from CHF 0
  • Credit cards with at­tract­ive be­ne­fits, such as cash­back
  • Cli­ent ser­vice avail­able on­line, by phone, or in per­son
Find out more
Viva for young people and students

CSX Young

CSX Young. For every­one between 12 and 25 years of age

CSX Young is the com­pre­hens­ive di­gital bank­ing of­fer­ing with be­ne­fi­cial con­di­tions for young cli­ents. It provides all the im­port­ant bank­ing ser­vices you need in your daily life. Easy, se­cure, di­gital – start­ing from CHF 0/month.

Find out more
Business Easy Package


Busi­ness Easy Pack­age

Busi­ness Easy is the full-​service of­fer­ing for small and medium-​sized en­ter­prises. It in­cludes the most im­port­ant products and ser­vices for your daily fin­an­cial needs.

Find out more


Ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you in per­son. For ques­tions or to ar­range a con­sulta­tion, you can reach us at this num­ber dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours:

* Telephone calls may be recorded for security reasons and training purposes. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.