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Wealth Management Funds

Wealth Man­age­ment Funds

In­vest your wealth in solid as­sets with a Credit Suisse wealth man­age­ment fund. You’ll be­ne­fit from our pro­fes­sional in­vest­ment pro­cess, risk man­age­ment and multi-​tier di­ver­si­fic­a­tion.

Con­tinu­ous mon­it­or­ing of the port­fo­lio

On­go­ing op­tim­iz­a­tion of port­fo­lio qual­ity

Good value

Our For­mula. Your Be­ne­fits

Our Formula. Your Benefits

Manage investment risk

Broad di­ver­si­fic­a­tion across re­gions, asset classes and in­vest­ing styles is ab­so­lutely es­sen­tial and helps min­im­ize risk. Our wealth man­age­ment funds are also good choices for small-​scale in­vest­ments.

Seize opportunities

Our in­vest­ment com­mit­tee reg­u­larly eval­u­ates the eco­nomic situ­ation and de­term­ines the in­vest­ment strategy for our fund solu­tions. Asset weight­ings vary de­pend­ing on cur­rent mar­ket con­di­tions.

Lean cost structure

You’ll reap the re­wards of a lean cost struc­ture at your wealth man­age­ment fund. Wherever pos­sible, we use cost-​effective products such as dir­ect in­vest­ments and ex­change traded funds (ETFs).

Our For­mula. Your Be­ne­fits


Man­age in­vest­ment risk

Broad di­ver­si­fic­a­tion across re­gions, asset classes and in­vest­ing styles is ab­so­lutely es­sen­tial and helps min­im­ize risk. Our wealth man­age­ment funds are also good choices for small-​scale in­vest­ments.

Seize op­por­tun­it­ies

Our in­vest­ment com­mit­tee reg­u­larly eval­u­ates the eco­nomic situ­ation and de­term­ines the in­vest­ment strategy for our fund solu­tions. Asset weight­ings vary de­pend­ing on cur­rent mar­ket con­di­tions.

Lean cost struc­ture

You’ll reap the re­wards of a lean cost struc­ture at your wealth man­age­ment fund. Wherever pos­sible, we use cost-​effective products such as dir­ect in­vest­ments and ex­change traded funds (ETFs).

Sys­tem­atic In­vest­ment Pro­cess

We fol­low an in­teg­rated, sys­tem­atic pro­cess to en­sure your wealth grows suc­cess­fully. You can trust our ex­pert­ise and ex­per­i­ence.

Stra­tegic asset al­loc­a­tion

Reviewed annually

Tac­tical asset al­loc­a­tion

Reviewed at least biweekly

Port­fo­lio design

Constant reviewing

Mon­it­or­ing and re­port­ing

Constant reviewing

Stra­tegic asset al­loc­a­tion

Re­viewed an­nu­ally

We have the right com­bin­a­tion of asset classes to help you reach your goals and al­ways con­fig­ure the port­fo­lio to match your risk pro­file.

Strategic asset allocation

Tac­tical asset al­loc­a­tion

Re­viewed at least bi­weekly

Our in­vest­ment com­mit­tee defines the global in­vest­ment strategy at reg­u­lar in­ter­vals. Our fund man­agers then make all the op­er­a­tional de­cisions for the wealth man­age­ment funds.

Tactical asset allocation

Port­fo­lio design

Con­stant re­view­ing

We se­lect a style, in­stru­ments and se­cur­it­ies, po­s­i­tion the fund on the yield curve and de­cide on act­ive or pass­ive man­age­ment. We take care of hedging, too.

Portfolio design

Mon­it­or­ing and re­port­ing

Con­stant re­view­ing

We mon­itor risk, ab­so­lute re­turn, re­l­at­ive re­turn, per­form­ance at­tri­bu­tion, tim­ing and se­lec­tion, com­ply with the in­vest­ment in­struc­tions and man­age the risk budget.

Monitoring and reporting

Our Prin­ciples

Tailored to your pro­file: We’ll find the right in­vest­ment products for you. A wealth man­age­ment fund of­fers a host of be­ne­fits for you. Its sys­tem­atic ap­proach can grow your wealth sig­ni­fic­antly over the long term.

3 Steps to Your In­vest­ment

You can grow your wealth over the long term with a Credit Suisse wealth man­age­ment fund. Put your trust in solid as­sets and an op­tim­ized in­vest­ment pro­cess.


Se­lect a suit­able product

Take a mo­ment to con­sider what you ex­pect from an in­vest­ment. Then, based on your re­sponses, se­lect an in­vest­ment type that might work for you.


Con­tact us

Sched­ule a con­sulta­tion on­line or call us at +41 844 844 001. Our ad­visors will con­tact you as soon as pos­sible.


Find pro­fes­sional in­vest­ment strategies

Sit down with one of our ad­visors to de­term­ine what you de­mand from your in­vest­ments and what strategy will be the most prof­it­able for you.

Dis­cover Our Fund Products

Sign up for pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment, pack­aged as a fund. Wealth man­age­ment funds pool all of Credit Suisse’s in­vest­ment ex­pert­ise and re­flect its in­vest­ment views. You’ll be in­vest­ing in an act­ively man­aged, glob­ally di­ver­si­fied solu­tion.

Our Products at a Glance

You may want to trade daily. Or maybe you want our spe­cial­ists to man­age your port­fo­lio for you. Either way, we have in­vest­ment solu­tions to suit your per­sonal needs, goals and asset situ­ation. Pick the in­vest­ment solu­tion that’s right for you. You can trust our fin­an­cial ex­perts’ ex­per­i­ence and know­ledge.

Wealth Man­age­ment Funds

  • Long-​term wealth cre­ation
  • Dir­ect ac­cess to trad­ing ven­ues
  • Ac­com­mod­a­tion of your re­quests

Credit Suisse In­vest

  • You dic­tate the long-​term in­vest­ment strategy
  • Pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment
  • Reg­u­lar port­fo­lio man­age­ment and mon­it­or­ing