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Maximize your assets. Financial planning for young professionals.

Maximize your assets. Financial planning for young professionals.

Achieve financial freedom and get a head start on building your dream life. We can advise on optimizing taxes, saving for a big-ticket purchase, investing your inheritance, and more.

Build Wealth

Save, in­vest or put away for re­tire­ment? We’ll show you dif­fer­ent ways to build wealth over time. Your strategy will de­term­ine whether your wealth will grow, and how fast. We’ll dis­cuss the risks and op­por­tun­it­ies.


An efficient savings plan is based on your current funds, personal risk tolerance and a monthly savings amount. Work out your personal savings strategy with us.


Use our know­ledge of the in­vest­ment mar­ket to make the right de­cisions. You de­term­ine how often we’ll meet, how ex­haust­ive our con­sulta­tions will be and how your port­fo­lio will be mon­itored.

Sav­ing for re­tire­ment

Switzer­land’s pen­sion sys­tem in­cludes gov­ern­ment and oc­cu­pa­tional pen­sions (first and second pil­lar) as well as vol­un­tary private pen­sions (third pil­lar). We will ad­vise you on your op­tions.

Build Re­serves

Begin pre­par­ing for the un­ex­pec­ted as you start your ca­reer and lead a more care­free life. We’ll show you how to reach sav­ings goals and build re­serves with sur­pris­ingly small sums. Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion.

Build Reserves

Save on Taxes

Every change in your life can have tax im­plic­a­tions. The more you know about the con­sequences, the easier it will be for you to im­prove your tax situ­ation.

Change of residence

You’re thinking about moving? Please remember that tax laws vary between cantons and countries.

Sav­ing for re­tire­ment

Do you have ques­tions about your re­tire­ment pro­vi­sion as you begin your ca­reer? We are happy to ad­vise you. Switzer­land’s pen­sion sys­tem in­cludes gov­ern­ment and oc­cu­pa­tional pen­sions as well as vol­un­tary private pen­sions.


Pay­ments for some kinds of li­ab­il­it­ies, such as mort­gages and loans, have tax im­plic­a­tions. Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion.

Real­ize Your Dreams

You can’t ful­fill all your dreams at once, es­pe­cially when you’ve just star­ted work­ing. Set aside money reg­u­larly, and you’ll be able to reach big goals over time.

Travel the world

Take the liberty to ex­plore the world. Don’t put off your travel plans; act on them while you’re still young. We’ll help you plan the fin­an­cial side of your dream trip. Con­tact us for de­tails.

Ac­cept In­her­it­ance. In­vest As­sets

An in­her­it­ance com­pletely changes the focus of your fin­an­cial plan­ning. Yes­ter­day, your thoughts re­volved around fin­an­cing and re­tire­ment. Today, you’re fo­cused on in­vest­ing your in­her­it­ance in­tel­li­gently. How­ever, your in­vest­ment strategy should take ac­count of your cur­rent stage in life – whether you need cash now or want to build wealth over the long term. Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion.

Accept Inheritance. Invest Assets

Go to a dif­fer­ent fin­an­cial plan­ning topic

Your Is­sues

Our ad­vice – as dis­tinct­ive as your needs. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you. Se­lect a topic and ar­range a con­sulta­tion.

Your Issues

Other Life Stages