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In­her­it­ance Con­sult­ing

Care­fully struc­tur­ing the dis­posal of your es­tate will en­sure that your wishes are car­ried out. If you take the ne­ces­sary pre­cau­tions today, you can relax to­mor­row know­ing that you’ve provided for your loved ones.

Our Ad­vis­ory Areas

You’ve man­aged to build up an es­tate over the dec­ades. But you don’t want to just pro­tect your wealth; you want to pass it on in a par­tic­u­lar, care­fully planned way.

  • Mar­ital prop­erty and suc­ces­sion law

  • In­her­it­ance and gift taxes

  • Child and adult pro­tec­tion laws

  • Di­vi­sion of es­tate

Pur­pose­fully Passing on As­sets

Early in­her­it­ance plan­ning provides a sound found­a­tion for an am­ic­able dis­tri­bu­tion of your es­tate. De­cide for your­self who will be the ex­ecutor of your last will and test­a­ment.

Your Ques­tions. Our An­swers

We’ll help you with whatever you need. Pick a ques­tion that you would like in­her­it­ance ad­vice on.


Who brought which as­sets into the mar­riage and how can fu­ture be­quests be worded and pro­tec­ted early on?

Men­tal in­ca­pa­city

What ar­range­ments are pos­sible in case of men­tal in­ca­pa­city?

Our In­her­it­ance Ser­vices

Dur­ing in­her­it­ance con­sult­ing, we dis­cuss all the top­ics that mat­ter to you: We’ll show you how to provide clear in­struc­tions in your ad­vance dir­ect­ive and will, while com­ply­ing with all the form­al­it­ies.

More Con­sult­ing Ser­vices

Life is chal­len­ging enough. Get in­formed fin­an­cial ad­vice from our
ex­perts and rely on our cus­tom­ized plans.