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Vested Benefits Account – 2nd Pillar

Ves­ted Be­ne­fits Ac­count – 2nd Pil­lar

You opt for max­imum pen­sion pro­tec­tion with our Ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count – 2nd pil­lar.

Ex­cel­lent se­cur­ity


In­terest rate cur­rently 0.20%

Ves­ted Be­ne­fits Ac­count – 2nd Pil­lar

Vested Benefits Account – 2nd Pillar


Enjoy max­imum pen­sion pro­tec­tion with our ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count – 2nd pil­lar. 

You’ll earn in­terest at a com­pet­it­ive rate, cur­rently 0.20%.

Tax advantages

You pay no wealth, in­come or with­hold­ing taxes dur­ing the en­tire term of the sav­ings plan.
When you draw your pen­sion, the cap­ital will be taxed at a re­duced rate sep­ar­ately from the rest of your in­come.

Security for Your Family

Se­cur­ity for Your Fam­ily

You can’t plan for everything in life. But you can pre­pare for a lot of things. With a Ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count – 2nd pil­lar, you can provide for your fam­ily in case some­thing hap­pens to you. In the event of your death, your be­ne­fits will be dis­trib­uted among your loved ones ac­cord­ing to the order of be­ne­fi­ciar­ies. Con­tact us for more de­tails. We’ll be happy to ad­vise you.

A Foundation for Your Home

A Found­a­tion for Your Home

Be­come in­de­pend­ent long be­fore you re­tire. Fin­ance a home for your­self. Use your 2nd pil­lar ves­ted be­ne­fits to do so. The exact method is up to you. You can with­draw your money early. Or pledge it as se­cur­ity for a mort­gage. We’ll help you make the right de­cision.

Ac­count or Safe­keep­ing Ac­count. Your Be­ne­fits

More se­cur­ity or higher re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies. Whatever you de­cide, we’ll provide the right solu­tion for your 2nd pil­lar ves­ted be­ne­fits.


  • In­terest rate cur­rently 0.20%
  • Ex­cel­lent se­cur­ity