UBS Advice Premium
- Personal Active Advisor consultant in addition to personal advisor
- Custom strategy and implementation
- Proactive communications about current investment opportunities and potential risks
- Portfolio quality reports four times a year
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You’re an avid investor who actively seizes market opportunities. UBS Advice Premium provides high-touch service and a tailored investment solution. You’ll be supported by your client advisor and an investment specialist. The specialist can contact you daily so you can act on market opportunities quickly and get early risk warnings.
You want to do your own investing. We’ll support you with full-service investment portfolio management.
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No matter whether you wish to exploit market opportunities daily supported by experts or review your investment strategy annually with your personal advisor: Our UBS Advice solutions are oriented to your needs, your investment objectives, and your asset situation. You can rely on the know-how of our financial experts in choosing the right solution.
UBS Investment Solutions
With our UBS Advice solutions, you get as much investment advice as you need. If you prefer to define the investment strategy but leave the actual investment decisions to the professionals, we recommend a different investment solution: Asset management mandates.