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Credit Suisse Invest Expert

UBS Ad­vice Premium

You’re an avid in­vestor who act­ively seizes mar­ket op­por­tun­it­ies. UBS Ad­vice Premium provides high-​touch ser­vice and a tailored in­vest­ment solu­tion. You’ll be sup­por­ted by your cli­ent ad­visor and an in­vest­ment spe­cial­ist. The spe­cial­ist can con­tact you daily so you can act on mar­ket op­por­tun­it­ies quickly and get early risk warn­ings.

Per­sonal Act­ive Ad­visor

Reg­u­lar port­fo­lio qual­ity re­view

Risk and in­vest­ment op­por­tun­ity alerts

UBS Ad­vice Premium. Our Ser­vice

You want to do your own in­vest­ing. We’ll sup­port you with full-​service in­vest­ment port­fo­lio man­age­ment.

  • Sup­port and in­ter­ac­tion

  • Mon­it­or­ing and re­port­ing

  • Per­form­ance re­port­ing

  • Ideas and ser­vices

  • On­line ser­vices & trad­ing

  • Pri­cing and trans­par­ency

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation

* For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Our UBS Ad­vice of­fers

No mat­ter whether you wish to ex­ploit mar­ket op­por­tun­it­ies daily sup­por­ted by ex­perts or re­view your in­vest­ment strategy an­nu­ally with your per­sonal ad­visor: Our UBS Ad­vice solu­tions are ori­ented to your needs, your in­vest­ment ob­ject­ives, and your asset situ­ation. You can rely on the know-​how of our fin­an­cial ex­perts in choos­ing the right solu­tion.

UBS Ad­vice Premium

  • Per­sonal Act­ive Ad­visor con­sult­ant in ad­di­tion to per­sonal ad­visor
  • Cus­tom strategy and im­ple­ment­a­tion
  • Pro­act­ive com­mu­nic­a­tions about cur­rent in­vest­ment op­por­tun­it­ies and po­ten­tial risks
  • Port­fo­lio qual­ity re­ports four times a year

Factsheet (PDF)

Tar­iff sheets (PDF)

UBS Ad­vice

  • Per­sonal ad­visor
  • Reg­u­lar alerts about cur­rent in­vest­ment op­por­tun­it­ies
  • Port­fo­lio qual­ity re­ports four times a year

UBS Ad­vice Light

  • Per­sonal ad­visor
  • Stra­tegic con­sulta­tion on re­quest
  • Simple, trans­par­ent pri­cing

The Choice Is Yours

UBS In­vest­ment Solu­tions

With our UBS Ad­vice solu­tions, you get as much in­vest­ment ad­vice as you need. If you prefer to define the in­vest­ment strategy but leave the ac­tual in­vest­ment de­cisions to the pro­fes­sion­als, we re­com­mend a dif­fer­ent in­vest­ment solu­tion: Asset man­age­ment man­dates.