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Apply for a mortgage. Realize your dream

Ful­fill your dream home.

You’d like to apply for a mort­gage to buy prop­erty. To­gether, we'll look at your fin­an­cial op­por­tun­it­ies and plan for the long term - that’s what really mat­ters.

Anchor: cockpit

Access the Property Cockpit

Property Cockpit advantages

  • Ex­clus­ive and free of charge for Credit Suisse cli­ents
  • Get a free es­tim­ate of the mar­ket value of your prop­erty in real time
  • Find out the im­pact a renov­a­tion has on the mar­ket price
  • Get use­ful in­form­a­tion about the prop­erty's sur­round­ing area
  • Find out the best sale price for your prop­erty
  • Get in­form­a­tion about po­ten­tial buy­ers
  • Be­ne­fit from the ser­vice of our real es­tate broker Money­Park

In col­lab­or­a­tion with:

Do you have any ques­tions about mort­gages? We will be glad to ad­vise you in per­son.

Your fin­an­cing in the best hands: Our re­gion­ally based fin­an­cing ex­perts can show you how to make the best use of op­por­tun­it­ies and avoid risks.

Do you have any questions about mortgages?

Mort­gage in­terest rates

Take ad­vant­age of our at­tract­ive mort­gage in­terest rates. In­terest rates vary de­pend­ing on the mort­gage model and the term of the mort­gage. To­gether, we can find the right mort­gage to suit you and your fin­an­cial situ­ation.

Our of­fers for fin­an­cing your own home

Anchor: unsere-finanzierungs-angebote-fuer-sie

Plan with con­fid­ence thanks to fixed in­terest rates

Plan with fixed interest rates

Our Fix and For­ward fix mort­gages offer you the greatest pos­sible peace of mind. Both come with a guar­an­teed, fixed in­terest rate and fixed term. With the For­ward fix mort­gage, you can lock in an in­terest rate for up to three years in ad­vance. This pro­tects you from rising in­terest rates.

Flex­ible solu­tions

Flexible solutions

Is flex­ib­il­ity im­port­ant to you? Se­lect one of our SARON-​based mort­gages or en­sure full flex­ib­il­ity with our Adjustable-​rate mort­gage.

Ideal for your con­struc­tion pro­ject

Ideal for your construction project

You'd like to start a con­struc­tion pro­ject and need fin­an­cing. Our con­struc­tion loan gives you the free­dom to pay your on­go­ing bills dur­ing the con­struc­tion phase. Once con­struc­tion is fin­ished, we’ll con­vert your con­struc­tion loan into a mort­gage.

Our of­fers for fin­an­cing your own home

Anchor: unsere-finanzierungs-angebote-fuer-sie

Plan with con­fid­ence thanks to fixed in­terest rates

Plan with fixed interest rates

Our Fix and For­ward fix mort­gages offer you the greatest pos­sible peace of mind. Both come with a guar­an­teed, fixed in­terest rate and fixed term. With the For­ward fix mort­gage, you can lock in an in­terest rate for up to three years in ad­vance. This pro­tects you from rising in­terest rates.

Flex­ible solu­tions

Flexible solutions

If flex­ib­il­ity is im­port­ant to you, choose the Flex rollover mort­gage and spe­cify the term for each tranche dur­ing which in­terest rate ad­just­ments can­not be made. Or opt for full flex­ib­il­ity: with the variable-​rate mort­gage.

Ideal for your con­struc­tion pro­ject

Ideal for your construction project

You'd like to start a con­struc­tion pro­ject and need fin­an­cing. Our con­struc­tion loan gives you the free­dom to pay your on­go­ing bills dur­ing the con­struc­tion phase. Once con­struc­tion is fin­ished, we’ll con­vert your con­struc­tion loan into a mort­gage.

*Telephone calls may be recorded for security reasons and training purposes. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.