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Es­tab­lish­ing a start­up. You need to pay at­ten­tion to these points.

Es­tab­lish­ing a start­up re­quires courage and per­se­ver­ance. The path to your own com­pa­ny has to be well thought out. As the bank for en­tre­pre­neurs, Cred­it Su­isse is deeply em­bed­ded in the start­up ecosys­tem and sup­ports com­pa­ny own­ers at every stage with bank­ing ser­vices, ex­per­tise, and its net­work.

Establishing a startup: step by step

Starting a business

An entrepreneur's life is full of challenges. Once it has been confirmed that the product is suitable for its market, it's time to tackle building up and financing the company, bridging difficult economic times, managing day-to-day business, and implementing the right measures for revenue and profitability. This is not easy and begins when the company is created. That's why Credit Suisse supports founders starting from the very first idea and motivates entrepreneurial people to take the step.

Establishing a startup: Here's how it works



A company needs a business plan. This is the foundation of any business idea. It not only serves as a basis for transparency and decision-making, but also as a means of convincing investors of your plans. Other important steps on the way to establishing a company are the choice of legal form and the preparation of a financial and liquidity plan.

Setting up a company

Once the plan is in place, you see things through: If you are setting up a limited company, for example, the corresponding share capital or equity capital must be paid into a blocked account. But that's not all. An official certification is also required – for instance, by a notary. This includes a review of basic documents such as the articles of incorporation, statements of acceptance by the governing bodies, and the capital payment confirmation. Only then will the entry be made in the Commercial Register.

Once founded

Once the company has been set up, the actual business activity begins. A business account is needed – for day-to-day business or for liquidity surpluses. The next steps include registering with social insurance, clarifying tax law issues, and drawing up contracts. Speaking of contracts: As an entrepreneur, it makes sense to draw up an employment contract for yourself.

Establishing a startup: You can rely on these partners

Credit Suisse supports startups together with the following partners:

  • Sim­ple, fast, and per­son­al. With the lead­ing spe­cial­ist for es­tab­lish­ing com­pa­nies on­line in Switzer­land, the move to en­tre­pre­neur­ship is just a few clicks away.

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