Switzerland Swiss Pension
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Identifying, avoiding, and closing pension gaps early on
If a pension is not large enough to cover a person's normal expenses, this is known as a pension gap. What are the potential causes of such a gap and what options does the Swiss pension system provide for avoiding or closing them at an early stage?
Why It's a Good Idea to Invest Five Minutes Every Four Years in Your Old Age and Survivors' Insurance
Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (AHV) is a somewhat neglected topic compared to the second and third pillars: Although it accompanies us throughout our lives, some insured people have unnecessary contribution gaps through insufficient knowledge. The result is that their pensions are appreciably lower. In most cases, spending five minutes on the subject every four years would be sufficient to avoid this.
New to Switzerland? This is how to keep track of your pension provision.
Are you new to Switzerland? Find out how to use the Swiss pension system comprising state, occupational, and private pension provision correctly, and keep track of it. This will ensure that you are optimally protected in retirement.
Pension savings in Switzerland. The three-pillar principle explained in simple terms.
The Swiss pension system, also known as the three-pillar principle, consists of three pillars. . The public pension scheme (AVS), the occupational pension scheme (LPP) and the individual pension scheme (pillar 3a/b) together form the solid framework for comprehensive pension savings. Pension savings in Switzerland explained simply.