Listing Page Articles Archive 2016

Articles Archive 2016

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 Articles
  1. Switzerland's 3-pillar model

    Pension savings in Switzerland. The three-pillar principle explained in simple terms.

    The Swiss pension system, also known as the three-pillar principle, consists of three pillars. . The public pension scheme (AVS), the occupational pension scheme (LPP) and the individual pension scheme (pillar 3a/b) together form the solid framework for comprehensive pension savings. Pension savings in Switzerland explained simply.

  2. Self-Determination Instead of External Determination

    Self-Determination Instead of External Determination: The Advance Directive

    Since 2013, it has been possible for you to make advance arrangements to ensure that your financial and health requests are still fulfilled in the event of an accident or severe illness, if you are no longer able to do so yourself.