Switzerland Retirement


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Displaying 1- 10 of 13 Articles
  1. AHV 21: These are the most important changes

    AHV 21: What changes will the reform bring?

    The AHV 21 reform has been in effect since the beginning of 2024. This is intended to secure financing for the first pillar until 2030. The reform will be financed by the increased reference age for women and by the increase in VAT. Here are the key changes, explained simply.

  2. Pension or lump sum: An important decision on retirement

    Drawing pension fund benefits as a pension or as a lump sum? That is the question.

    Pension fund assets are often the most significant assets that Swiss people have. Before retirement, people face the important choice of whether to draw their benefits as a pension or as a lump sum. What are the practical implications of a lump-sum withdrawal from the pension fund, and why is an individual solution always best?

  3. Payout of pension fund assets: Reasons for withdrawing pension fund assets early

    Payout of pension fund assets. When is early withdrawal possible and how can you request it?

    Which requirements apply for an early withdrawal of pension fund assets, and how should you go about requesting a withdrawal? What insured parties in Switzerland should absolutely know if they wish to make an early pension fund withdrawal.

  4. BVG conversion rate: How the conversion rate determines the BVG pension

    What is the conversion rate?

    The conversion rate is used to calculate the annual BVG pension from the available retirement capital. Anyone who wants to find out what pension is realistic after retirement  should know these important facts regarding the conversion rate and BVG regulations.

  5. Lump-sum payout tax: There are considerable differences between the cantons when it comes to taxes on lump-sum payouts.

    Lump-sum payout tax: Seven things you should know long before retirement

    You can save taxes throughout your entire working life by paying into your employee benefits insurance and private pension. When you withdraw these amounts on retirement, they are subject to their own special tax: lump-sum payout tax. This varies depending on the canton and the amount of capital involved. An astute strategy can sometimes save a lot of money. The following seven points summarize the key information.

  6. BVG reform. The changes that are needed.

    Now that the AHV has been reformed, the federal government is looking to reform the BVG as well. On March 17, 2023, the proposed reform to employee benefits insurance passed the final vote in parliament. A popular ballot will be held on September 22, 2024. But what is the reform about and how would things change? Here's an overview.

  7. Normal retirement: How to take your retirement

    Taking normal retirement. What you need to do.

    You will soon be reaching the reference age and wish to take your well-earned retirement. Find out what steps you need to take for normal retirement and what points you need to bear in mind.

  8. Deferred retirement: postpone your BVG and AHV pension

    Deferred retirement. Why it pays off.

    If you are in good health and enjoy your work, you may want to work past the reference age. How deferred retirement works and what the concrete financial advantages look like.

  9. Bespoke retirement: Switzerland's four retirement models

    Retirement is a milestone in your professional life. That is why it needs to be planned well. Whether you choose to retire early at 58 or defer retirement until 70, and whether you take a partial retirement in stages or retire upon reaching the reference age: Learn about the pros and cons of the different retirement models and find out more in informative articles. These will help you find out which retirement model is best suited to your personal situation.

  10. Planning for early retirement

    Early retirement: Can I afford to retire early?

    Many people nurture the desire to retire early. However, the financial shortfall associated with early retirement needs to be clarified beforehand. Only if you plan ahead and are aware of your likely pension from the AHV and pension fund will you know whether early retirement is possible.