Contact us

At Credit Suisse we value our clients and always endeavour to achieve the highest possible standards in service. We appreciate that things can sometimes go wrong leading to a possible complaint. A client complaint offers us the opportunity to mitigate any causes of dissatisfaction and to strengthen client relationships.

If you are dissatisfied about how we have managed any aspect of our products or services we request that you speak to your usual contact, or if you prefer, contact our Compliance Department directly.

By telephone +44 (0) 20 7888 8888

When you contact us with a complaint, we will ask for details of the issue, the more detail you are able to provide will assist us in resolving the matter more efficiently.  We will do our best to investigate and resolve the issue as promptly as possible and will inform you of the outcome.


If we are unable to resolve your complaint promptly, we will acknowledge that the complaint has been received and who your main point of contact is. We will also keep you up-to-date with our progress on a regular basis.

We will always investigate your complaint impartially, treat you fairly and do everything we can to provide a prompt resolution. However if you are still unhappy with our response, we would prefer you to tell us, but you may also have the option to take civil action.

If your query instead relates to a potential scam or fraud:

Please report all relevant emails, documents, and email headers related to suspected cyber security, phishing, brand misuse and fraud related to Credit Suisse to


You can also find additional information on Internet Security on the following pages: