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Hav­ing a good plan. That's what re­al­ly mat­ters.

With our com­pre­hen­sive fi­nan­cial plan­ning, we bring you one big step clos­er to your per­son­al goals.

Financial life planning

Financial planning is planning for life. We'll help you to look ahead to a worry-free future with solutions based entirely on your individual needs, life goals, and expectations. That's what really matters – helping you to realize your dreams.


Pension provision

Planning early for your retirement will pay off later. Why not start planning your financial future today – for example with the CSX Financial Plan function in your mobile banking app. Looking forward to a worry-free future. That's what really matters.



Would you like to have more space for the kids? Are you planning a move to the country or looking to buy your own home? We can help you to turn your dream into reality. Our certified Financing Experts will be happy to show you the ideal way to finance the property you want. That way, you can be sure you're getting the best financing solution for your dream home. That's what really matters.



Make your money work harder. Even when interest rates are low. We provide a range of investment solutions from a compact offering to cover your basic needs through to service at the highest level. That's what really matters – building wealth to achieve your goals.


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