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Credit Suisse Worry Barometer 2023. What the Swiss are concerned about.

In 2023, the topic of health / health insurance is now the number one concern for Swiss citizens. The topics of environment / climate change and AHV / retirement provision follow in second and third place, respectively, while the war in Ukraine is no longer among the ten most important concerns. 

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On behalf of Credit Suisse, research institute gfs.bern surveyed Swiss voters once again this year about their worries and the country's identifying characteristics. Health issues, health insurance providers, and premiums were cited most often (40%) and are Switzerland's new top worry with an increase of 16 percentage points (respondents were asked to list their five greatest worries). After just one year at the top of the list, concern for the environment and climate change has already been replaced as the main worry. This topic is in second place this year with 38% (-1 percentage point, pp), followed by retirement provision / AHV (32%, -5 pp).

The war in Ukraine is no longer one of the top ten worries

The relationship with Europe and energy issues are ranked fourth and fifth in the list of worries, with both topics being mentioned equally by respondents (26%). Placing sixth to ninth are the topics of immigration (23%), inflation (22%), housing costs and rental prices (with an increase of 9 pp to 22%), and refugees (20%). Looking at the 20 biggest concerns of voters in Switzerland, it is striking that seven of them relate to living costs, standard of living, and financial security. These comprise health / health insurance, retirement provision, inflation, housing costs, social security, low wages, and new poverty. The war in Ukraine, on the other hand, is no longer among the ten biggest concerns mentioned by respondents (11th place; 13%; -7 pp). Worries about unemployment (-8 pp) have again fallen significantly, and this year the topic no longer features in the top 20.


Parties and their problem-solving competencies

In a federal election year, the work of the political parties is always monitored particularly closely. So what problem-solving competencies do voters attribute to the individual parties? Regarding the topic causing most concern this year, health insurance providers and premiums, the greatest problem-solving competencies are attributed to The Centre Party (51%) and the GLP (50%). Respondents see The Green Party (71%) and the GLP (67%) as being clear leaders in environmental matters. These two parties are also deemed most trusted in the area of energy – followed by the FDP. However, the FDP is believed to be the most competent when it comes to the EU and Europe, together with The Centre Party (40% each). Here, the two parties are still ahead of the GLP (36%), which traditionally advocates strongly for regulated and open relations with Europe. How competencies are attributed in the area of AHV / retirement provision is the least clear-cut. The SVP is seen as the most competent here with 38%, while The Green Party scored lowest (16%).

Confidence in their own economic situation

When asked about their own economic situation, the majority of voters say that they are currently doing well (52%) or even very well (13%) economically. This proportion increased between 2013 and 2016 and has been relatively constant since then. Around one-third feel they are "OK," and only around 5% think their personal economic situation is poor. In addition, despite rapid technological progress and the emergence of artificial intelligence in everyday work, only 10% of voters consider the loss of their own job due to new technologies to be a likely scenario. Voters' views of the state of the Swiss economy compared to abroad are also extremely positive: 33% believe that the local economy is "very good." A further 65% consider the situation to be at least "rather good."


Consistently high trust in institutions

Confidence in the three key institutions, i.e. the Federal Council (72%; +4 pp), the Federal Supreme Court (71%, +5 pp), and the police (69%, +2 pp), remains high among the voters in Switzerland and has risen significantly again compared to last year. This year's winners in terms of confidence include the Swiss National Bank (59%, +2 pp), the National Council (48%, +3 pp), and the Council of States (48%, +5 pp). It is particularly striking that the political parties gained the most confidence (+13 pp to 37%) as 2023 was an election year.

Read the final report of the 2023 Worry Barometer

About the Credit Suisse Worry Barometer

What are the greatest concerns of people in Switzerland? How much confidence do they have in political, business, and social leaders? For the past 47 years, Credit Suisse has conducted an annual Worry Barometer survey to examine precisely these issues. With the Worry Barometer, Credit Suisse aims to contribute to the public debate on issues of socio-political relevance. In 2023, the research institute gfs.bern surveyed 1,551 eligible voters across Switzerland on behalf of Credit Suisse between August and September. The statistical sampling error is ±2.5 percentage points.