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Credit Suisse. Entrepreneurial from the start.

It all began with Swiss rail­roads in 1856. When the coun­try needed to fin­ance the ex­pan­sion of its rail net­work, the fore­run­ner to Credit Suisse was foun­ded. We have since turned into an in­teg­rated bank op­er­at­ing in more than 50 coun­tries around the world.

Credit Suisse's story stretches back to July 5, 1856, when the prom­in­ent politi­cian, busi­ness leader, and pi­on­eer Al­fred Es­cher foun­ded "Sch­weizerische Kred­it­an­stalt." The ori­ginal pur­pose of the new bank known as SKA was to fin­ance the ex­pan­sion of the rail­road net­work as well as the fur­ther in­dus­tri­al­iz­a­tion of Switzer­land. Four­teen years later, the bank's first for­eign rep­res­ent­at­ive of­fice opened up in New York. In 1905, the bank's first branch out­side Zurich opened in Basel fol­low­ing the ac­quis­i­tion of Ober­rhe­in­is­che Bank.

What star­ted off as a Swiss in­vest­ment bank turned into a suc­cess story span­ning over the next cen­tury and a half, with Credit Suisse gradu­ally evolving into a lead­ing global pro­vider of fin­an­cial ser­vices.

This de­vel­op­ment has been achieved through strong or­ganic growth, sup­ple­men­ted by a series of sig­ni­fic­ant mer­gers and ac­quis­i­tions such as that of the US in­vest­ment bank CS First Bo­ston in 1990, the Swiss private bank Bank Leu in 1990, Switzer­land's fourth largest bank – Volks­bank – in 1993, the Brazilian wealth man­ager Hedging-​Griffo in 2007, and Mor­gan Stan­ley's wealth man­age­ment busi­nesses in Europe, Middle East, and Africa in 2013 to cite a few of the more re­cent deals.

This has in­volved the am­al­gam­a­tion of very dif­fer­ent cul­tures, philo­sophies, and spheres of spe­cial­ist know­ledge, which has res­ul­ted in the cre­ation of a strong in­teg­rated bank. As of 2006, the bank began op­er­at­ing as a glob­ally act­ive in­teg­rated uni­ver­sal bank provid­ing com­pre­hens­ive solu­tions to our cli­ents in private bank­ing, in­vest­ment bank­ing, and asset man­age­ment.

Our story in pic­tures

The founder of mod­ern Switzer­land

Al­fred Es­cher not only foun­ded Credit Suisse, but also the fed­eral poly­tech­nic ETH Zurich, the in­surer Swiss Life and the North­east­ern Rail­way

Driv­ing in­nov­a­tion

If there is one con­stant in the story of Credit Suisse, it is a track re­cord of con­tinual in­nov­a­tion. In true pi­on­eer­ing style, we have shaped many of the count­less in­nov­a­tions to hit the fin­an­cial mar­kets over the past one and a half cen­tur­ies, and have quickly ad­ap­ted oth­ers for our own use. For ex­ample, we were the first large Swiss bank to es­tab­lish a dir­ect telex con­nec­tion with New York in 1951. We con­tin­ued our pi­on­eer­ing role in the Swiss mar­ket by open­ing the first drive-​in bank (1962), and launch­ing both the first tele­phone bank­ing ser­vice (1993), and the first in­ter­net bank­ing plat­form (1997).

But our com­pany's his­tory has been shaped by much more than just tech­no­lo­gical in­nov­a­tions. In the areas of product man­age­ment, train­ing and de­vel­op­ment, mar­ket­ing, and so­cial com­mit­ment, Credit Suisse can look back on a long tra­di­tion of lead­ing the way for oth­ers to fol­low. As dif­fer­ent as the in­nov­a­tions were, they ul­ti­mately served a sim­ilar aim. In nearly all cases, this was to meet the needs of cli­ents in an even more rapid, pro­fes­sional, and com­pre­hens­ive way. And it is already clear today that this driv­ing force will also fuel many a fu­ture in­nov­a­tion at Credit Suisse.

Our in­nov­a­tions through the years