Netherlands Life Insurance & Pensions

Life Insurance & Pensions

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Displaying 1- 8 of 8 Articles
  1. Pillar 3a: Potential for paying in regularly, especially for women without children

    Credit Suisse publishes study on private retirement provision in Switzerland

  2. Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) introduces a 1e savings plan for the insured

    1e savings plans offer greater autonomy and flexibility with employee benefits insurance

  3. Credit Suisse sets up pension fund for 1e plans: Credit Suisse Collective Foundation 1e

    1e pension plans provide greater autonomy and flexibility for occupational pensions

  4. Lump sum or annuity? A decision with significant consequences for retirement income

    Credit Suisse publishes a study on occupational retirement provision in Switzerland

  5. Swiss pension funds: Low interest rates and intensifying redistribution force them to take action

    Credit Suisse study on the challenges faced by Swiss pension funds

  6. Swiss Healthcare System: Growth Market under Cost Pressure

    Credit Suisse publishes “Monitor Switzerland” for the first quarter of 2017

  7. Annual General Meeting of Credit Suisse Group AG: All Proposals put forward by the Board of Directors Approved

    The shareholders of Credit Suisse Group AG approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors at today's Annual General Meeting in Zurich. The shareholders approved a distribution in cash of CHF 0.70 per registered share for the 2013 financial year. The increase in conditional capital for the purpose of delivering shares as part of employee stock option programs also met with the approval of shareholders. Severin Schwan and Sebastian Thrun were elected as new Members of the Board of Directors. The Chairman and the other existing Members of the Board of Directors proposed for re-election were all elected for a further term of one year. In terms of its own composition, the Board of Directors appointed both Noreen Doyle and Richard E. Thornburgh as its new Vice-Chairs. The Annual General Meeting also appointed the Compensation Committee. In addition, shareholders approved the 2013 Compensation Report and the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association to implement the new Ordinance against Excessive Compensation with respect to Listed Stock Corporations.

  8. Credit Suisse Announces Settlement of FHFA Litigation Relating to Mortgage-backed Securities Purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 2005 and 2007

    Credit Suisse today announced that it has entered into an agreement with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). As a result of this settlement, Credit Suisse Group AG will incur an after tax charge in respect of its 4Q13 and full-year 2013 financial results of CHF 275 million.