Sponsorship is a long-standing tradition at UBS. Our portfolio helps the world better understand who we are and what we believe in, and at the same time presents exciting business and hospitality opportunities. Our sponsorship framework is based on a strong strategy – commitment to, and expertise in, a narrow number of fields. This helps build relationships with our clients, sponsorship partners, and the wider global community. Our global sponsorship portfolio includes UBS Arena, Motorsports, Roger Federer, Art Basel series and additional platforms within sports, performing arts and visual arts.
Sponsorship is a long-standing tradition at UBS. Our portfolio helps the world better understand who we are and what we believe in, and at the same time presents exciting business and hospitality opportunities. Our sponsorship framework is based on a strong strategy – commitment to, and expertise in, a narrow number of fields. This helps build relationships with our clients, sponsorship partners, and the wider global community. Our global portfolio complements our sponsorship portfolio in Switzerland, which includes football, athletics, performing arts, visual arts and top events.
Sponsorship is a long-standing tradition at UBS. Our portfolio helps the world better understand who we are and what we believe in, and at the same time presents exciting business and hospitality opportunities.
Our global sponsorship framework is based on a strong strategy – commitment to, and expertise in, a narrow number of fields. This helps build relationships with our clients, sponsorship partners, and the wider global community.
Our selection criteria
As key marketing tools, our sponsorship activities rely on fundamental guiding principles to ensure success. These define what we do or do not sponsor.
The sponsorship partner should have unique local or regional reach, and should be best in class.
By definition, sponsorship is a mid- to long-term commitment. The sponsorship offer should be based on a duration of several years.
Sponsorship has an impact on our brand. Therefore, the offer needs to be a good fit for UBS and possess outstanding local reputation or prestige.
Individual sponsorships
Our sponsoring strategy does not generally include support for individuals such as athletes, artists, or personalities. Exceptions can be made, however, provided these individuals can be integrated into our existing platforms as ambassadors.
Sponsorship Requests
We have a comprehensive portfolio of sponsorship partnerships that effectively meet our needs, both geographically and in terms of themes and impact. We are extremely well positioned with this array of sponsorship commitments, and are not planning to expand our portfolio in the foreseeable future. Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you every success.