Pair of binoculars placed on a wooden surface


Greater clarity. Confident investing.

Our offering

UBS HOLT empowers you to make informed decisions by providing a clear, objective framework for comparing and valuing companies worldwide. With over 20,000 companies in our database, you gain a unique and consistent approach to portfolio evaluation, using our powerful tools to help streamline the investment process.

Benchmark, screen, and score companies effortlessly, eliminating the need to sift through distorted global accounting data. Focus on what matters most - making strategic investment decisions.

Used by asset managers around the world, our tools and services are invaluable resources for a wide range of professional investors, including equity analysts, hedge funds, quantitative analysts, and activist investors.

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Economic returns

Analyze the real economics of a company and understand the levels and changes in stock prices worldwide.

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Global comparability

Compare stocks, sectors, and markets over time and across international borders.

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Better decisions

Use a common language for measuring company performance, forecasting, and calibrating market expectations.

Our solutions


An online platform with a suite of interactive tools to help you compare and value over 20,000 companies from around the world, and gain a clear understanding of company operations, valuation, market expectations, sustainability, and accounting quality.

These tools assist with fundamental analysis, idea generation, allocation and benchmarking, quantitative analysis, and portfolio analysis.

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Compare and value stocks on a global basis

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Gain insights into what is priced into stocks

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Generate and filter ideas more efficiently

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Identify portfolio risks

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Improve productivity and scale the investment process

  • Idea generation: Hundreds of proprietary and traditional financial metrics can be deployed to screen and rank companies according to specific investment criteria and themes. The universe of 20,000 stocks can be filtered to focus efforts on identifying alpha.
  • Single stock insights: Search for a company to quickly answer questions and draw conclusions such as: Is the company discounted? What are the market embedded expectations? What is the sentiment? And what are the risks? The HOLT inputs can be flexed with the user’s own forecasts to derive valuation scenarios and assess upside potential or downside risk.
  • Fundamental assessment: Modeling that allows quick insights into the key drivers of operational performance using HOLT’s proprietary CFROI metric, run peer comparisons, understand the accounting and balance sheet risk and quantify a company's embedded market expectations.
  • Portfolio analytics: Provide objective portfolio analytics using HOLT's differentiated set of factors and styles, enabling clients to analyze risk exposures in the portfolio compared with an index or benchmark.

Our methodology

HOLT’s proprietary methodology corrects subjectivity in corporate financial statements by converting income statement and balance sheet information into a CFROI return, a measure that more closely approximates a company's underlying economics.

The resulting objective returns help you judge a company’s historical ability to create wealth and assess if the market is fairly pricing its prospects for value creation.

  • Accounting

    Income Statement

    Balance Sheet


  • Cash


    Economic Performance

  • Value


    Asset Growth

    Lifecycle Dynamics

    Discount rate

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