Credit Suisse Online Banking Luxembourg
Carry out banking transactions any time - simply, securely and quickly.
Credit Suisse Group AG has been acquired by UBS Group AG. Click here for the latest updatesabout creating sustainable value on how we continue to serve clients.
Accounts and Assets
Accounts and Assets
Stay up-to-date – alongside account status, transactions, and other details about your accounts, you'll find the latest information on your portfolio or safekeeping account and money market transactions. The overview also helps you keep track of your assets.
You can use Online Banking to issue or process all standard domestic and foreign payment orders. You can also set templates and track your payment status.
Securities Trading
Securities Trading
Fast, secure, and global – trade on more than 60 stock exchanges worldwide. Orders are processed and confirmed in real time. Get a discount of up to EUR 20.- on each trade.
Receive your banking receipts and documents electronically as PDFs with Online Banking. You can access your information faster.
Your Benefits
Your Benefits
- Fast – available anywhere, anytime
- Free – you do not incur any fees
- Convenient – access whenever you like
- Environmentally friendly – reduces paper waste
Apply for E-Documents
Apply for E-Documents
If you already are an Online Banking client, contact your Relationship Manager and apply for e-documents now.
Stocks, Currencies and Interest Rates
Research and Publications
Using online banking isn't just easy and convenient, it's also secure. Play your part in ensuring you enjoy the greatest possible security. All you have to do is to follow a few important dos and dont's.
Cybersecurity and You
Cybersecurity and You
This booklet aims to remind you how to protect yourself, your assets and your personal information from online criminals.
Protection against Cybercrime
Protection against Cybercrime
Credit Suisse uses state-of-the-art systems to ensure your security during an online banking session. These include:
- Secure login through our SecureSign solution
- Strong encryption of data
- Automated transaction monitoring and transaction signing, enabling you to explicitly confirm certain payments
To reduce the risk of unauthorized access and unauthorized payments by cyber criminals, specific features of the type and content of your entries are recorded and processed. These data are collected and processed exclusively for this purpose and are not accessible to third parties.
SecureSign is an authentication process for logging on or making individual payments, in which you are shown an image that only you can decipher. To decrypt the image, you use the SecureSign app.
SecureSign for Online Banking
SecureSign for Online Banking
When you do your banking business, security and user-friendliness have top priority. With SecureSign, you have a new and convenient method for signing in to your Online Banking service.
Why is SecureSign being introduced?
Credit Suisse places great importance on security in Online Banking. Guaranteeing a high standard of security constantly requires us to implement the latest security technology.
What will change in Online Banking?
The Online Banking login procedure will change.
How do I enroll in SecureSign?
Log in to Online Banking. In the "Client Center," you will find the option for enrolling in SecureSign under "My Profile."
Telephone Registration
Please contact your Relationship Manager to enroll in SecureSign over the phone.
What happens after I enroll in SecureSign?
Once you have registered, you will receive an activation letter in the next few days by mail. It will contain your personal activation image for completing your registration. Please note that once you have registered for SecureSign you have a 30-day grace period until you can no longer use your former SecurID security procedure.
Is SecureSign free?
Yes, use of the SecureSign authentication process, including the SecureSign app, is free of charge.
What advantages does SecureSign have?
- Total security – state-of-the-art encryption technology makes banking as secure as possible
- Offline usability – available anytime, anywhere – even without an internet or phone connection
- Multi-device capability – access the app on up to eight different devices with one user ID
- Simplicity – log in quickly and conveniently
How can I use several devices to log in with my user ID?
In order to use more than one device for login with your user ID, you can add more devices after logging into your profile under "SecureSign." After adding a device and perform a new login, you can set it up. For this, you need your personal activation letter.
How do I add another user ID on my device?
In order to use another user ID on a device, you must request SecureSign for the other user ID.
To add the user ID to your device, please follow these steps:
- Go to the settings for the SecureSign app (gear wheel at the top right) and click at the bottom on "Add app account."
- Start Online Banking and enter the other user ID and your password.
- Perform the set-up as usual.
Can I use SecureSign to log in for multiple users with different IDs?
One device can be used to log in with up to eight different user IDs.
What do I do with my old SecurID?
If you use your SecurID as authentication procedure for other programs e.g. SecureMail, you will continue to require this token.
Credit Suisse cares about our environment. Since the SecurID contains a battery, it does not belong in your household garbage.
If you only used to access online banking with your SecurID: As soon as you have successfully set up SecureSign, take the SecurID to an electronics recycling center, just like you do with other defective devices or ones you no longer need such as TVs or kitchen appliances.
System requirements
What requirements are there for the SecureSign method?
To use SecureSign, you need a smartphone or tablet (e.g. iPad) with a camera and current operating system.
We currently support smartphones and tablets using the Android or iOS operating systems in the versions below:
Operating System
Android 4.1.2. and higher
iOS 7 and higher
Examples: Samsung, LG, Google Nexus
Examples: Apple iPhone 4 and later
I do not own a smartphone. Can I still use SecureSign
Currently, SecureSign requires a smartphone or tablet, either made by Apple (iOS operating system, version 7 or higher) or a maker of Android devices (Android operating system, version 4 and higher).
Can I use SecureSign on my jailbroken or rooted smartphone or tablet?
We advise against the use with such devices, as "jailbreaking" and "rooting" lower the security of your phone.
Where can I optain SecureSign?
The SecureSign app is available around the world from Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store.
Can SecureSign also be used without internet access?
Internet access is required only for the initial download of the SecureSign app. Afterwards, the method operates without a telephone or internet connection, so it can be used abroad or in locations with weak mobile phone coverage. Please note that you still need an internet connection for Online Banking itself.
What does "transaction signing" mean?
Transaction signing refers to the confirmation of certain transactions through the additional entry of a code. Transaction confirmation is used when changing passwords, adding a new device, or entering payments. When you submit a payment order that our system classifies as unusual, you are requested to scan a SecureSign image. The details of the payment are then displayed in the SecureSign app for you to review. If you want to approve the payment, you must enter the displayed code.
How can I determine the device ID of a device?
To determine the device ID of a device, go to the SecureSign app settings (gear wheel at the top right). In the Settings, the device IDs are shown in a list.
You will find more information on the "Manage your SecureSign" page in your Online Banking. You can find the page in the Client Center under "My Profile" - "SecureSign." The activation date and the device type are used for identification.
Can I continue to use offline payment software after switching to SecureSign?
Currently, you can continue to use offline payment software with your existing security process even after switching to SecureSign. The availability of SecureSign for the offline payment software depends on the software manufacturer. Please contact the manufacturer if you have any questions related to the introduction of SecureSign in the software.
Activation letter
How long is my activation image valid?
Your personal activation image never expires, thus enabling you to activate additional devices for use with the SecureSign method at a later date if needed.
Note: Keep your activation letter in a safe place and make sure that no one can access your personal activation image.
I lost my activation letter; what should I do?
If you lose your activation letter, call our Hotline +352 46 00 11 900 to request a new one.
I am unable to scan my activation image. What do I need to do?
Smooth out the letter, and try to scan it again with the SecureSign app under good lighting conditions. If repeated attempts continue to fail, please contact our Hotline +352 46 00 11 900. You may need to request a new activation letter.
Why will the activation graphic be sent by mail?
The activation graphic will be sent physically by mail for security reasons.
Questions about Possible Problems
How long does the SecureSign image shown in Online Banking remain valid?
The multi-colored image displayed in Online Banking is valid for one minute.
What do I do to receive a new and valid SecureSign image?
To receive a new SecureSign image in Online Banking, you need to go to the Online Banking homepage and re-enter your user ID and password.
What do I do to receive a new and valid SecureSign image?
To receive a new SecureSign image in Online Banking, you need to go to the Online Banking homepage and re-enter your user ID and password.
I have a new smartphone or tablet. Can I continue to use SecureSign after I've restored the device from a backup?
iOS and Android security settings prevent restoration of the previously activated SecureSign app. The device must be reactivated after restoration. You can add a new or additional device yourself in Online Banking. To do so, you need a device that has already been registered. If you no longer have such a device, please contact your Relationship Manager. You will then be able to activate SecureSign for the new/additional device in the usual way. For this, you need the activation letter with your personal activation graphic.
I reset my smartphone or tablet. Why is SecureSign not working?
After resetting your smartphone or tablet, you will need to reactivate the app using your personal activation image.
I have submitted a payment order, but I was not required to confirm it with SecureSign. Why?
When you make payments to recipients we know, such as your insurance company, we generally do not ask you to confirm them. When you make payments to recipients we know, such as your insurance company, we generally do not ask you to confirm them.
I have submitted a payment order, but I was not required to confirm it with SecureSign. Why?
When you make payments to recipients we know, such as your insurance company, we generally do not ask you to confirm them.
I accidentally deleted the SecureSign app from my Smartphone or tablet. What do I need to do?
Please download the SecureSign app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store again. Then please contact our Hotline +352 46 00 11 900 for assistance.
Why is most of my iPhone/iPad screen black after starting the SecureSign app?
In order to be able to use the SecureSign app, the camera authorizations for it must be activated. After selecting the SecureSign app, the authorizations can be issued in the iPhone/iPad settings under "Camera."
I have lost my smartphone/tablet with which I use SecureSign. What do I do?
If you have lost your smartphone or tablet, you should deselect it for Online Banking. If you have another device set up, you can do this under "SecureSign" in your profile. If you do not have another device set up to log in with, please contact your Relationship Manager.
How can I save certain settings (grouping or period) for bookings as the default?
The selected settings are automatically saved for the most important fields, and remain valid until you change them.
Which bookings can be seen under "Booking entries - Account details"?
"Booking entries" shows the bookings on your account. The default setting shows you the bookings for the last 30 days. You can also choose a different period or number of bookings on the bookings page itself. The selection is saved for later Online Banking sessions.
Where can I find the IBAN, BIC/SWIFT, or clearing number for one of my accounts?
The IBAN is shown on all pages in the account area. The BIC is displayed in the upper section of each account details page. To display the clearing number, select "Show All Details" at the top of the account details pages.
What are provisional bookings?
Provisional bookings are advance notices of items which are not yet definitively booked and can therefore still be changed. However, since these provisional bookings also apply to the balance, provisional cash receipts can also be obtained at ATMs.
How can I export the bookings from a specific month to Excel?
There are two possible options:
- Select the required account, and choose "Search Bookings" in the left navigation menu. Then use the time period as the search parameter. When the results are displayed, click on the "Export" button under the bookings found.
- Select the desired account from the account list. Select "Current month" to the right above the displayed bookings, and click the "GO" button to confirm. Now you can scroll backward and forward by month under the displayed bookings. When the desired month is displayed, click on the "Export" link.
Why can I not see any details for incoming payments?
If you find a booking with the text "Payments" and "Global credit according to separate display", your account is set up in such a way that bookings of the same type are summarized. If you want to change this and to have each credit booked separately (including the sender's details), please contact your Relationship Manager.
Can I include interest detail?
You can make a request to your Relationship Manager, if you want interest details displayed. As soon as interest details are switched on for you, you can include these under “Accounts & Assets” in the account list by clicking on “Edit Table” and placing a tick next to interest in the pop-up window.
Assets/Safekeeping Account
What is the difference between a portfolo and safekeeping account?
The portfolio shows both safekeeping account positions and the assigned accounts (including precious metals and money market accounts), forward transactions and options for precious metals and foreign exchange. The safekeeping account shows only positions with a “Security Number/ISIN”. Under “Portfolio/Safekeeping Account” you can choose whether you wish to see/analyze the full portfolio or just the safekeeping account positions. To do this, choose the option “Display safekeeping account positions only” and then recalculate. To make changes in the portfolio elements, please contact your relationship manager.
How can I order a statement of investments?
Select the “Order Statement” tab under “Portfolio/Safekeeping Account”, and select the appropriate portfolio/safekeeping account. Confirm with “Go” and use the “Order” button to confirm the request. The ordered report will be sent by post or as an e-document, depending on mailing instructions.
Why do I sometimes see different account balances in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account and Account?
The account balances in "Portfolio" show net information as of today/as of the record date. Bookings for future dates and provisional bookings are also included in the "Account list" and full overview. This can lead to different account balances appearing in different areas. However, it is easy to determine from the bookings in the appropriate account, which bookings are included in which account balance.
What price is used to convert foreign currency positions?
For valuation, either the current average exchange rate (real-time view) or the average exchange rate on the evening of the chosen valuation date is used. Please note that the average foreign exchange rate is used. Consequently the information is for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual value.
What information can I find in "Asset Allocation"?
"Asset Allocation" shows the asset categories and currencies in which the portfolio assets or safekeeping account assets are invested.
What information can I find under "Sector Analysis"?
The sector analysis and analysis by debtor category also included on this page show the sectors in which the assets are invested and the debtor categories in which the nominal assets of the portfolio/safekeeping account are invested.
What information can I find in the "Country Analysis"?
The country analysis shows the countries in which the portfolio/safekeeping account assets are invested.
What information can I find in the "Maturity Analysis"?
The maturity analysis shows when the nominal assets are likely to mature. Maturities of more than or less than one year are differentiated. You can also see forecast income on this page (e.g. expected dividend payments).
How can I acces the portfolio, if I can only see the safekeeping account?
Please contact your Relationship Manager, who will be able to activate your authorization.
How can I print pages in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account?
Use the PDF button, which you will find at the top and bottom of the page on the right-hand side. Depending on the asset classes in your safekeeping account, individual pages can contain a large amount of information. To allow you to print this as well, the information is displayed in a reduced print version. The "Show All Details" link takes you to the page with all the detailed information.
Where can I check the current value of my securities in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account?
You get the most recent values by choosing "Real-Time Positions" and recalculating. The selected option is saved for future use per portfolio/safekeeping account. Depending on the security, the values shown are real-time, delayed, from the previous day, or older. You can see the source of the price and the appropriate delay by moving the mouse over the "Last Price" or "Price" field. The information is also available in the detailed pop-up window.
Why am I unable to trade with one fund usuig Online Banking even though it is in my safekeeping account?
Regulatory reasons prevent us from offering and providing details of all funds on the internet. Please contact your Relationship Manager for additional information.
How can I save certain settings (grouping or period) for bookings as the default?
The selected settings are automatically saved for the most important fields, and remain valid until you change them.
Which bookings can be seen under "Booking entries - Account details"?
"Booking entries" shows the bookings on your account. The default setting shows you the bookings for the last 30 days. You can also choose a different period or number of bookings on the bookings page itself. The selection is saved for later Online Banking sessions.
Where can I find the IBAN, BIC/SWIFT, or clearing number for one of my accounts?
The IBAN is shown on all pages in the account area. The BIC is displayed in the upper section of each account details page. To display the clearing number, select "Show All Details" at the top of the account details pages.
What are provisional bookings?
Provisional bookings are advance notices of items which are not yet definitively booked and can therefore still be changed. However, since these provisional bookings also apply to the balance, provisional cash receipts can also be obtained at ATMs.
How can I export the bookings from a specific month to Excel?
There are two possible options:
- Select the required account, and choose "Search Bookings" in the left navigation menu. Then use the time period as the search parameter. When the results are displayed, click on the "Export" button under the bookings found.
- Select the desired account from the account list. Select "Current month" to the right above the displayed bookings, and click the "GO" button to confirm. Now you can scroll backward and forward by month under the displayed bookings. When the desired month is displayed, click on the "Export" link.
Why can I not see any details for incoming payments?
If you find a booking with the text "Payments" and "Global credit according to separate display", your account is set up in such a way that bookings of the same type are summarized. If you want to change this and to have each credit booked separately (including the sender's details), please contact your Relationship Manager.
Can I include interest detail?
You can make a request to your Relationship Manager, if you want interest details displayed. As soon as interest details are switched on for you, you can include these under “Accounts & Assets” in the account list by clicking on “Edit Table” and placing a tick next to interest in the pop-up window.
Assets/Safekeeping Account
What is the difference between a portfolo and safekeeping account?
The portfolio shows both safekeeping account positions and the assigned accounts (including precious metals and money market accounts), forward transactions and options for precious metals and foreign exchange. The safekeeping account shows only positions with a “Security Number/ISIN”. Under “Portfolio/Safekeeping Account” you can choose whether you wish to see/analyze the full portfolio or just the safekeeping account positions. To do this, choose the option “Display safekeeping account positions only” and then recalculate. To make changes in the portfolio elements, please contact your relationship manager.
How can I order a statement of investments?
Select the “Order Statement” tab under “Portfolio/Safekeeping Account”, and select the appropriate portfolio/safekeeping account. Confirm with “Go” and use the “Order” button to confirm the request. The ordered report will be sent by post or as an e-document, depending on mailing instructions.
Why do I sometimes see different account balances in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account and Account?
The account balances in "Portfolio" show net information as of today/as of the record date. Bookings for future dates and provisional bookings are also included in the "Account list" and full overview. This can lead to different account balances appearing in different areas. However, it is easy to determine from the bookings in the appropriate account, which bookings are included in which account balance.
What price is used to convert foreign currency positions?
For valuation, either the current average exchange rate (real-time view) or the average exchange rate on the evening of the chosen valuation date is used. Please note that the average foreign exchange rate is used. Consequently the information is for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual value.
What information can I find in "Asset Allocation"?
"Asset Allocation" shows the asset categories and currencies in which the portfolio assets or safekeeping account assets are invested.
What information can I find under "Sector Analysis"?
The sector analysis and analysis by debtor category also included on this page show the sectors in which the assets are invested and the debtor categories in which the nominal assets of the portfolio/safekeeping account are invested.
What information can I find in the "Country Analysis"?
The country analysis shows the countries in which the portfolio/safekeeping account assets are invested.
What information can I find in the "Maturity Analysis"?
The maturity analysis shows when the nominal assets are likely to mature. Maturities of more than or less than one year are differentiated. You can also see forecast income on this page (e.g. expected dividend payments).
How can I acces the portfolio, if I can only see the safekeeping account?
Please contact your Relationship Manager, who will be able to activate your authorization.
How can I print pages in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account?
Use the PDF button, which you will find at the top and bottom of the page on the right-hand side. Depending on the asset classes in your safekeeping account, individual pages can contain a large amount of information. To allow you to print this as well, the information is displayed in a reduced print version. The "Show All Details" link takes you to the page with all the detailed information.
Where can I check the current value of my securities in Portfolio/Safekeeping Account?
You get the most recent values by choosing "Real-Time Positions" and recalculating. The selected option is saved for future use per portfolio/safekeeping account. Depending on the security, the values shown are real-time, delayed, from the previous day, or older. You can see the source of the price and the appropriate delay by moving the mouse over the "Last Price" or "Price" field. The information is also available in the detailed pop-up window.
Why am I unable to trade with one fund usuig Online Banking even though it is in my safekeeping account?
Regulatory reasons prevent us from offering and providing details of all funds on the internet. Please contact your Relationship Manager for additional information.
How do the payment templates work and how can I set them up?
You can create a template for recurring payments with different amounts or payment dates. The easiest way is to save the beneficiary information when entering the first payment under “Single Payments”. Then select a folder from “Save as Template” before clicking on “Next”. You can save and manage these templates in folders you create yourself. You can then modify and execute future payments simply by going to “Manage Payments” and “Templates/Lists”. The template is always stored under the beneficiary’s name.
How can I permanently change the account to be debited for payments?
Online Banking always takes the first account as the account to be debited for payment orders. You can choose a different account as the standard account to be debited for payment orders by going to “My Profile” and then “Settings” and “Payments”.
Up to what poin can I issue and change/delete a payment order in Online Banking?
Account transfers can be issued up to 21:00 on the day of execution free of charge. Payment orders can be issued up to 07:00 on the day of execution. Payment orders for single execution can be modified or deleted up until 24:00 on the day before execution.
How can I change or delete a payment?
Payments entered in Online Banking can be modified or deleted directly in the “Administer payments” menu under “Payments overview”.
How can I set a maximum amount per payment?
In the Client Center, under "Settings" you can select the navigation item "Payments" to set your maximum payment amount.
Can I make a transfer from my savings account?
You can only debit your savings account in Online Banking with an internal transfer to another account. The account to be credited must be included in the same Online Banking contract.
How much does a payment cost?
Charges for Online Banking payments for private clients/corporate clients can be found in the Table of Fees and commissions (PDF) .
What is important when making an international payment within the EU/EEA? Follow the SEPA transfer standards for economical payments within the EU/EEA:
- EUR transactions within the EU/EEA region
- IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the beneficiary
- BIC (Bank Identifier Code) or details of the beneficiary bank for payments outside Luxembourg
- No payment routing parameters
- No message to the bank
- “Shared Charges” option (Shared, SHA)
I want to check the details of an old payment for which I gave instructions in Online Banking. What do I do?
Payment instructions can be viewed for 45 days in Online Banking under “Administer Payments”. All older payment details can be requested from your Relationship Manager.
What is the difference between execution day and value date?
Execution day refers to the day on which the payment order is processed. The value date is the day from which interest is calculated for debit and credit items.
What is the function “Show/Hide Process”? (for corporate clients only)
This function allows you to see which user issued, modified, approved or deleted an order and when. “Show Process” displays this information, and “Hide Process” conceals it again.
Securities Trading
Which types of securities can be traded using Online Banking?
The following types of security are allowed using Online Banking:
- Equities
- Bonds
- Warrants
- Investment funds
- Call and put options
- Rights
- ETFs
What does a securities order cost?
The cost of a securities order varies according to the volume, stock exchange, and type of security. You will find an overview of prices in the Table of Fees and Commissions.
What do different types of orders mean?
Market order A market order is executed at the best bid or ask price available on the order book at the time of entry.
Limit order With a limit order, the client sets a price for the purchase or sale of the securities.
On stop order As soon as the trigger price is reached, a stop limit order becomes a normal limit order. An on stop order is a purchase order, which must be executed immediately the security reaches a certain price level. As soon as the trigger price is reached, the order is executed at market.
Stop loss order A stop loss order is a limited sell order. If the trigger price is reached, the order is converted into a market order and executed at the next best price.
Stop limit order Once the trigger price is reached, a stop limit order becomes a standard limited order.
Can securities orders for investment funds be input with a limit?
It is possible to enter a limit for investment funds that are traded in the secondary market (officially traded on a stock exchange). It is not possible to enter a limit for investment funds that are traded in the primary market (purchase/sale of a new issue, or issues/redemptions).
By when must I input an order for an investment fund in the primary market?
Each fund has its own specific daily time limit for the acceptance of orders, which is set by the market and settlement. The time limits for order entry are listed in “Fund Lab” under “Purchases & Sales”.
Can an order for an investment fund in the primary market be canceled?
No, these cannot be canceled via Online Banking.
Market Data
What information can I access under Market Data?
Under Market Data, you can find securities investments of almost 200 stock exchanges with all relevant financial information, charts.
Which stock exchanges are displayed with real-time quotes?
We offer three stock exchanges with real-time quotes: SIX Swiss Exchange, SIX Swiss Exchange Blue Chip, and Scoach.
Why can I not find the financial instrument that I'm looking for?
If a financial instrument is not activated in our systems, it will not be shown in our application. It is also possible that regulatory reasons prevent us from providing details of some financial instruments online. For additional information, please contact your Relationship Manager.
What is the "Swiss Security Number"?
This is the security number that is used in Switzerland to identify a financial instrument.
What is the ticker?
The ticker is a code used on a stock exchange to identify a financial instrument. Each stock exchange has its own ticker for each financial instrument.
What is the ISIN?
ISIN is the abbreviation for International Security Identification Number. This alphanumeric code is used to identify a financial instrument worldwide.
What is a RIC?
RIC is the abbreviation for Reuters Identification Code. This code, specific to Reuters, is generally composed of a company identifier code and a stock exchange code, separated by a point. Example: CSGN.VX is the RIC for Credit Suisse shares traded on the SWX Europe Limited exchange. For an index, the RIC always starts with a decimal point, followed by an abbreviation. Example: ".SSMI" is the RIC for the SMI.
Where can I find information on security in online banking?
At you will find current security information including a link to, where there are numerous recommendations (e.g. Protection from Phishing, 5 Security Steps, Secure Passwords, Firewall Activation Windows Update, etc.) to ensure the best possible security in online banking.
Which browser is best suited for Online Banking?
Here is the relevant information on our recommendation.
How do I create a restricted user profile?
You can further improve your security by using a restricted user profile (without admin rights) when surfing the internet and using Online Banking. You can create a restricted profile under "Start" ⇒ "Control panel" ⇒ "User accounts" → "Create new account" → "Restricted" → Open "Create account" (Windows XP).
How does contract grouping work? Do I have to input a second SecurID number per contract?
No. The second ID is required per Online Banking session, irrespective of the number of attached Online Banking contracts.
What should I do in the event of loss or theft of my personal security features?
Please contact your relationship manager immediately.
What should I do if I discover or suspect misuse?
Please contact your relationship manager immediately.
What conditions must be met in order to be able to use Online Banking?
- Account at the bank
- Online Banking contract with the bank
- Modem or ADSL connection
- Internet browser (e.g. IE, Mozilla, or Safari)
How can users be adapted/deleted?
Changes/additions can be requested by authorized signatory account holders. Please contact your Relationship Manager.
What does Online Banking cost?
You do not pay a basic fee for Online Banking. You only pay any subscription and connection charges to your internet provider. Please note: any account or safekeeping account fees are not included.
How can I order an Online Banking contract?
Please contact your relationship manager.
What can I do in Settings?
You can use this area to configure individual settings for your Online Banking.
Default setting for accounts:
- You can use this option to choose which account you want to be displayed first when calling up a detail page (e.g. Bookings)
- Preferred balance: The balance selected in this option is displayed in the upper selection of the account detail pages. This is used to calculate the balance preview.
Default setting for safekeeping accounts Default safekeeping account: You can use this option to choose the safekeeping account to be displayed first when calling up the Safekeeping Accounts page in the Accounts & Assets area.
Default setting for assets Valuation currency: You can use this option to specify that the market value on the overview page should be displayed in a currency other than Swiss francs.
What are e-documents?
You can receive your banking receipts and documents electronically as PDFs with Online Banking. This allows you to easily save, copy, or forward the receipts. The receipts will also be available for 24 months in Online Banking unless you delete them.
What are the advantages of e-documents?
- They are easy to manage and can be stored, copied, and forwarded very simply
- As the records are not sent by post, they are available more quickly
- E-documents are available in Online Banking for two years
- Large selection of documents available
- The electronic bill is free of charge
How long are e-documents kept for?
If not deleted by the user, documents remain in the e-documents inbox of Online Banking for 24 months.
What happens to my e-documents if the Online Banking contract is canceled?
If the contract is canceled, then all documents will only be sent by post. All non-opened records of the previous 30 days will also be sent by post. Non-opened records older than 30 days will not be printed. Clients should save or print older records.
Can new copies of records be ordered?
Records can be re-ordered as hard copies from the Relationship Managers. A charge may be made for dispatching hard-copy records. Records that have been deleted by the user cannot be re-sent electronically.
How can I access my document box?
You can follow the link to your e-documents on the welcome page of your document box, or alternatively, via the Client Center -> e-Documents -> Document box. If you have unopened e-documents in your document box, these will then be displayed on the welcome page and you may access them directly from there.
My profile
How can I use the settings to customize my own pages in Online Banking?
Under “My Profile” you can find the two areas “General Options” and “Area Options” that allow you to personalize specific settings in Online Banking.
What are pending items? Personal pending items may be:
- Payment orders for authorization after login
- Corporate actions for processing
- Pending items can be activated as the starting page after login.
How can I change my password?
The password can be changed under “My Profile” and “General Options”. However, if you have forgotten your password or there is an error, please contact your Relationship Manager.
How do “My Links” work?
Once your links list has been activated, it appears at the top of your main navigation bar, allowing you to reach the screens you want even more quickly.
What are “User Rights”?
Only the access rights of other users in the same contract group as the user who is logged on are visible.
As a user with collective issuing rights, you can also see which users from the same contract group also have collective issuing rights. You can do this while inputting a payment or after transmission (also see the “User Rights” link after “Send”).
If a previously entered payment was modified or approved, you will also see which users from the same contract group have collective issuing rights (see link “User Rights” after “Send”). The user who is logged in is not included.
How do I know who is authorized for my separate contracts?
You can review this in Online Banking under “Contracts/User Rights.”
What can I do in Settings?
You can use this area to configure individual settings for your Online Banking.
Default setting for accounts:
You can use this option to choose which account you want to be displayed first when calling up a detail page (e.g. Bookings)
Preferred balance: The balance selected in this option is displayed in the upper selection of the account detail pages. This is used to calculate the balance preview.
Default setting for safekeeping accounts
Default safekeeping account: You can use this option to choose the safekeeping account to be displayed first when calling up the Safekeeping Accounts page in the Accounts & Assets area.
Default setting for assets
Valuation currency: You can use this option to specify that the market value on the overview page should be displayed in a currency other than Swiss francs.
How Does SecureMail Work?
As normal email accounts do not meet the highest security standards, we offer SecureMail as a secure and quick way to send confidential information within a secure environment, via SecureMail to Credit Suisse.
As soon as you have received such a message, you will be notified by email. Add your conventional email address in the SecureMail system.
How do I get a SecureMail account?
Your relationship manager will be pleased to provide you with all the necessary information about the SecureMail account opening process.
How can I access my SecureMailbox?
To access your SecureMail account you need the credentials you will receive from us (user ID, SecurID and password) and the SecureMail link. The latter is also available via Online Banking.
Can I use my Online Banking credentials to access my SecureMailbox?
If you have signed an Online Banking and a SecureMail contract you can use one set of credentials to log into both systems.
Can I send a SecureMail to a regular email system (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)?
SecureMail is a closed communication channel, which does not allow the exchange of messages with other email systems.