Spain Investments


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Displaying 1- 6 of 6 Articles
  1. Investment portfolio: Private equity and hedge funds

    Private equity and hedge funds for the sake of your portfolio’s stability

    2022 proved to be an extraordinary year on the capital markets – but the current year is definitely keeping up in terms of surprises. Turbulence in the banking sector in March, for example, caused a slump in equity markets. This was followed by a rapid recovery over subsequent months, but the upside potential for equities remains limited. Apart from bonds, which asset classes can currently offer added value for investment portfolios? Read on for a closer look at private equity and hedge funds.

  2. Funds made easy: The mechanics of investment funds

    Funds made easy. The mechanics of investment funds.

    Funds offer investors promising investment options. But what exactly are funds and how do they work? Learn about the different types of funds, what benefits they offer, and what you should be aware of in this context.

  3. Volatile markets: Investing in turbulent times

    How to invest in volatile markets.

    The start of the year was characterized by high volatility on financial markets – a situation that is likely to persist for some time. That makes it all the more important to adopt the right approach to securities. Investor recommendations for a well-equipped portfolio in turbulent times.

  4. A good portfolio: Investing in quality and growth stocks

    Quality and growth stocks: Investing for good times and bad

    From a risk-free rate to "interest-free risk": Investors ought to be able to rely on a resilient and sound portfolio, particularly in uncertain times. A combination of quality stocks and growth stocks is a good place to start. 

  5. Interest rates and purchasing power influence the value of money

    Interest rates and purchasing power influence the value of money

    Should excess liquidity be saved or invested? Interest rates and purchasing power provide the answer. After all, they influence the value of money in the long term and demonstrate that cash also isn't risk-free.

  6. Cleantech: The biggest investment opportunity of our time

    Cleantech – the biggest investment opportunity of our time?

    The much-feared impacts of climate change demand action. A variety of companies in the cleantech sector have made that their mission – and their future looks bright. Cleantech investments are now considered to be the biggest investment opportunity.