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Investment trends

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  1. US stocks: The bull market continues

    US stock markets are on the rise. What lies behind it?

    The rally on US stock markets seems unstoppable. There's nothing unusual about that, however – at least from a historical point of view. In addition, the US has unique locational advantages – its economic strength, innovative capacity, risk culture, and also geopolitics. Read the article to find out why the US bull market is likely to continue, and what investors should bear in mind.

  2. Risk capital: Catalyst for innovation

    The force of the better idea: A driver of the economy

    In turbulent times, it is worth looking at what really drives society and the economy forward in the long term: the force of disruptive innovation, in other words the force of the better idea. With risk capital behind it, this force can bring about new developments, thus driving progress. Read how innovation creates economic resilience and what opportunities thematic investments offer for next year and beyond.

  3. Investment portfolio: Private equity and hedge funds

    Private equity and hedge funds for the sake of your portfolio’s stability

    2022 proved to be an extraordinary year on the capital markets – but the current year is definitely keeping up in terms of surprises. Turbulence in the banking sector in March, for example, caused a slump in equity markets. This was followed by a rapid recovery over subsequent months, but the upside potential for equities remains limited. Apart from bonds, which asset classes can currently offer added value for investment portfolios? Read on for a closer look at private equity and hedge funds.

  4. Investing in gold: Buying gold as a safe investment

    Investing in gold: These options are available to investors

    Investors have an effective tool against the risk of economic crises and high inflation: buying gold. As part of a portfolio, gold can reduce the overall risk of investments. Find out what the options are for investing in gold and what the pros and cons of gold investments are.

  5. Good reasons why economic growth could rebound in the second half of the year

    An interview with James Sweeney: The recession will reach its trough in June

    The global recession could reach its trough soon. The second half of the year will likely see economic growth rebounding. However, investors must deal with a higher risk of deflation in the short term.

  6. Buy-to-let: Private real estate investments promise a return

    Buy-to-let: Risk or return?

    Investors are increasingly using residential property occupied by third parties as a means of investment: Buy-to-let is becoming popular. This is illustrated by the 2020 Credit Suisse real estate study. Find out whether buy-to-let investment is worthwhile and what risks you should factor into this form of investment.

  7. Investing sustainably: Boom in sustainable investments

    Invest sustainably in good conscience. Green consumption is gaining traction.

    Sustainability is trendy. Millennials in particular place great emphasis on green consumption. Investors can also benefit from this if they invest sustainably. After all, sustainable investments currently have above-average growth potential.

  8. Climate change is a risk for investors – and an opportunity

    Never has the subject of climate change been as topical as it is today. In an interview, Reto Knutti, professor of climate physics at ETH Zurich, explains what this means for the economy and investors. He is convinced that sustainable investing can contribute to protecting the climate.

  9. cyber-security-as-an-investment-trend-protection-from-cyber-attacks

    Digital networking is increasing. Cyber security is becoming a structural megatrend.

    Security, and especially cyber security, is a major issue of our times. Both companies and private individuals must protect against cyber attacks. For investors, this is an opportunity to invest in the cyber security trend. 

  10. impact-investments-invest-in-climate-protection-with-impact-investing

    Combine returns and climate protection. With impact investments.

    Would you like to reconcile your financial interests and climate protection? New ways to invest such as impact investments and sustainable investments make this possible. How you can use green bonds to make targeted investments in environmental projects without forgoing returns.