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Get a han­dle on as­set man­age­ment with Mul­ti Bank Re­port­ing

Volatile times are shak­ing up cap­i­tal mar­kets, mak­ing it hard­er for as­set man­agers to main­tain per­spec­tive. Find out how Mul­ti-Bank Re­port­ing helps pro­fes­sion­al in­vestors to keep track of the big pic­ture and con­tin­ue mak­ing in­formed in­vest­ment de­ci­sions de­spite the chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tion.

18.01.2023Less than a minute

War, inflation, and high energy prices – the world is still holding its breath. Capital market sentiment has dimmed and the nervousness is palpable. Due to volatility, investment decisions sometimes need to be made in an instant – but still on an informed basis. A clear overview of all assets is indispensable in situations like these.

Challenges for asset managers

This can quickly become a challenge for professional investors, however, since their assets are often distributed across multiple financial institutions. Compiling data from each of these various sources is time-consuming and expensive, and non-bankable assets, like real estate and private equity, also need to be taken into account.


As such, sophisticated risk and performance analysis based on comprehensive reporting is crucial for reliable decision-making with regard to the investment strategy. In this context, standard solutions can only cover some of these needs and often fall short of the individual demands of sophisticated investors with complex requirements.

Creating transparency for asset management

However, there is a solution to this problem for them: Credit Suisse Multi-Bank Reporting. "Our reporting aggregates all assets held with Credit Suisse and third-party banks as well as all non-bankable assets. This provides our clients with a transparent overview of their current asset situation at all times," explains Ingo Pippow, Head of Investment Analytics Change & Product Management at Credit Suisse Asset Servicing.


Multi-Bank Reporting encompasses client-specific analyses and key figures regarding investment structure, performance, and benchmark comparisons as well as potential risks. This provides an optimal view of the investment process. Investors also receive assistance with the interpretation of data from specialists, saving them both time and money.

Multi-Bank Reporting

Enjoy a consolidated overview of all assets with Multi-Bank Reporting.
Enjoy a consolidated overview of all assets with Multi-Bank Reporting.

Easy access to data and analyses thanks to an effective reporting solution

"Along with monthly or quarterly investment reporting in paper form or as PDF documents, the reports can also be accessed every day on our investment analysis platform, the Portfolio Radar," says Ingo Pippow. Here, investors can individualize their own dashboards and decide for themselves which benchmarks they would like to use for comparisons. The desired information can be accessed quickly and intuitively even on the go.


Data and analyses can also be exported as an XLS or downloaded as a PDF ad-hoc report. This makes it possible to take advantage of investment opportunities and fulfill internal and external disclosure obligations. Daily analyses of securities positions, performance, or risks can provide a major advantage, especially in volatile times.

Putting innovations to use for Multi-Bank Reporting

"At Credit Suisse Asset Servicing, we are always striving to improve existing reporting even further for our investors so that we can offer even more possibilities for analysis," says Ingo Pippow. In the future, for example, ESG reports could be combined with look-through analyses in a single report.


The analysis platform will also incorporate new innovations in digital banking in order in order to continue developing technologically, which will allow investors to benefit from even simpler navigation and additional helpful functions in the future.


Thomas Berger, Head of Product Management at Credit Suisse Asset Servicing, says: "Ultimately, these measures and others will help enable us to provide our clients with the best possible support for the investment management process and to offer innovative Asset Servicing products and services."